We wanted to offer some thoughts on what might be important in 2025 if leadership is your kind of thing.
You don’t need us to tell you how important leadership will be in 2025. It’s aways important.
At Noggin in our 20th year, rather than some banal leadership“predictions for 2025” and some suggested “egg sucking” we’ve been thinking more about what promises and gifts might help leaders continue to show up effectively.
We’ve framed each one with some context and then posed some questions. We hope they resonate and provoke some thought as you head into the year.
Take from them what you can.
The Noggin Team
Keeping your Promises - the explicit AND the implicit ones
It’s a mad world. Who knows what 2025 might bring. The socio-economic landscape for leaders isn’t going to get any easier … The explicit promise of leadership is to deliver on commercial expectations and targets. This will be tough enough.
At the same time, people will continue to expect more from their leaders - personally.
This implicit promise of leadership needs to be kept at the same time.
How can your leaders provide clear direction in a changing climate and make work continuously meaningful for each individual?
How will your leaders engage everyone and link an individual´s why to the bigger why?
How will your Ieaders creatively resource people to succeed?
Promise that you will "play to win" and not just "play not to lose"
Leaders bring the weather. You cannot not communicate as a leader. As the climate in 2025 becomes more changeable and leaders have to change with it - pressure to deliver could drive us into our reactive play not to lose tendencies….
How can you give leaders the gift of self awareness before their more emotive reactions surface?
How can you help them be resilient ahead of time?
How will your leaders continually show up purposefully instead of "playing it safe"?
Promise you’ll meet me half way - promise to perform
Leaders can only provide meaningful purposeful work if the work still exists. At the risk of contradicting the implicit explicit balance …. Leaders cannot be afraid to challenge performance. They’ll have to get the balance right.
How can leaders establish the right “deal” with their people to balance what's imporatnt to them with what’s important to the business?
How do you help them talk openly about any inbalances?
How can you prepare your leaders to have the tougher conversations ***if only there was consultancy who has spent 20 years helping leaders with this … if you find one let us know :)
and… Promise you won’t keep banging on about the impact of AI
Ok, so we are kidding …. but only a little bit. Last year on our podcast we spoke about leadership being "in the gaps” (what do you mean you didn’t realise we had a podcast? - everyone’s got one did you not hear…?)
In the same way being back in the office has given leaders more opportunities for informal spontanuous conversations, will AI offer us all more opportunities for this.
How will leaders use the gift of time freed up by the efficiencies of AI?
How can AI ironically free leaders up for deeper human connections?
How can you encourage leaders to embrace AI to reallocate time rather just save it?
All the best for now…
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